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Selasa, 29 Juni 2010


It is a simple to use qualitative simulation which lets the user quickly edit a pile shape and view the wave propagation.

CAST Strut-Tie

It is a very good software for Computer Aided Strut and Tie Design.

Civisoft Estimation 3.02 Plus

Civisoft Estimation 3.02 PlusIt is one of the very useful software for civil engineers.It is a must for every civilian.


DEV PLANNER is a time planning and to-do list software that allows keeping track of projects, personal tasks, and other activities. Main idea of DevPlanner based on four terms: task, estimation, daily schedule and "self-imposed" deadline. These four things are really important for managing tasks and gathering time feedback, as result improving individual productivity and estimating skills.


StairDesigner Pro is a polyvalent straight, helicoidal, and balanced stair design software , used in the wood, marble, stone, and metal industries.It allows a quick stairway parameters entry. Its Help and Control Function checks the Riser Height, Tread Length, and Stair Rule parameters (Blondel’s law), and helps reaching the stair compliance.

12D MODEL 7.0

12d Model is a powerful terrain modelling, surveying and civil engineering software package. It allows fast production in a wide variety of projects including roads, rail, site layouts, and environmental impact studies.

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